Sunday, May 17, 2020

Women Workers During The British Industrial Revolution Essay

Women Workers in the British Industrial Revolution During Britain’s Industrial Revolution, a multitude of different jobs were opened to the working class of men, women, and children. While this era offered a wide variety of new opportunities for everyone, women were somewhat excluded in areas such as occupation availability and wage due to the cultural norms of the time period. The Industrial Revolution was an age of mechanization—businesses were moving away from completing tasks by hand, and instead were moving towards utilizing specialized equipment. Many of these machines were, as stated by Deborah Simonton in her book A History of European Women’s Work, â€Å"built to be operated by people with the hands, height, and weight of an average male (144 Simonton).† Spinning was one such occupation that was mechanized, and in her book Gender, Work, and Wages in the Industrial Revolution, Joyce Burnett states that â€Å"†¦before the arrival of machinery, spinning†¦ employ[ed] all the women in certain areas. What had been a valued skill for most women suddenly became worthless as the jenny, water frame, and mule replaced hand spinning† (122 Burnette). Women who had once been employed were forced from their work as machines took over that were only operable by men, and this often left them without adequate means to support th emselves or their families. During the Industrial Revolution, women were, in general, considered socially inferior. A â€Å"good woman† was expected to stay at home, raiseShow MoreRelatedThe Industrial Revolution : The World Into The Forward And Advanced World We Live1387 Words   |  6 PagesThe Industrial Revolution was vital in shaping the world into the forward and advanced world we live in now. The Industrial Revolution started in 18th century England, pushing England towards becoming one of the most industrialized nations in the world. This revolution opened up many opportunities for people in terms of work as well as the increase of product consumption, however, discrimination and oppression occurred, specifically of women. Throughout the world, especially in England, women wereRead MorePositive Aspects Compared to the Negative Aspects of the Industrial Revolution1404 Words   |  6 PagesThe era known as the Industrial Revolution was a period in which fundamental changes occurred in agriculture , textile and metal manufacture, transportation, economic policies and the social structure in England. 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