Friday, December 13, 2019

Evaluate Critical Thinking Free Essays

My perception of our team’s metaphors as a whole is that we all are capable of expressing our thoughts about things in our lives as we see them through metaphors. Each of our metaphors allowed others to identify with our thoughts by connecting words with our senses. The metaphors that my team members have written are descriptive and easy to understand. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluate Critical Thinking or any similar topic only for you Order Now The metaphors that the team members have written were very good and descriptive in my opinion. Personal Barriers None of our metaphors seemed to have any thinking errors in them such as, egocentric thinking, polarized thinking, or over-generalizations. Personalized barriers such as, enculturation was present in some of our metaphors and did affect the way we critically thought them through. Because most of our metaphors were based on things in our lives it was not surprising that these sources produced metaphors with enculturation. I think everyone, especially myself, has to be careful not to allow personal barriers get in the way. By not allowing their personal barriers to get in the way they were able to create easily understood metaphors. I think that the team did a good job in doing this. Language The next tool is language I think that the way the team constructed their metaphors through the use of language was clear and interesting. I do not really understand how someone could accurately communicate using metaphors. We as a society do not communicate this way and I find that it would be tough to communicate in this manner. We are meant to speak a certain way in order to communicate accurately for instance in America we speak English and in Germany they speak German. It would be difficult to go to Germany and speak English and communicate effectively if they only understood a little English. I personally could not communicate using metaphors to communicate accurately. The language in which we write, talk, and think helps for the individuals listen understand the message that we are trying to convey to them. So we must be clear in the message and the wording that we use to get our message across. The team did this well when contrasting their metaphors. I was able to understand what they were saying in most of their metaphors. One example is from Stephens metaphor about family â€Å"Constant and Changing; Joy and happiness; Frustration and confusion,† The language that he used describes the emotions that a family goes through and the language describe it well. Feelings The majority of our metaphors reflected our feelings towards family, events, and places. Our feelings were put into our metaphors to help connect our words to their meaning. In my opinion this is where the metaphor becomes powerful. It seems to me that there is a lot of feeling in many of their metaphors. One can feel it as it is read. The next tool is creativity check I believe that most of the metaphors exhibited a lot of creativity while remaining clear. Like feeling I think that creativity plays a very important role in the metaphors. The next tool used is that of organization. Creative Thinking I feel that all of our metaphors were creatively thought through. We successfully transformed our thoughts into a language that everyone could understand and appreciate. From what I can tell most of the metaphors created exhibited some kind of order. The last tool was logic. I also feel that the team’s metaphors seemed to follow this well. I would say that over all the metaphors that the team created was very creative, and fun to read. I would also say that some seemed to contain a lot of feeling, which also made them more enjoyable to read. By putting their feelings behind the metaphors and made the metaphors originally and showed that creative thinking was utilized when writing the metaphors. How to cite Evaluate Critical Thinking, Papers

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